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Which Website Platform is Better?

Which Website Platform does your Business Use?

When it comes to building a website there are so many options that can leave you as the business owner feeling “overwhelmed” and confused. You want the best website platform that will reflect your business right? WordPress, Wix, SquareSpace, Shopify, GoDaddy to name a few all operate differently and have pros and cons to each.
But there is more to just building a website with aesthetics. So much goes on behind the scenes to make sure your website is performing at its best.

Here are a few platforms with Pros and Cons to each that will help you decide which website platform is right for your business.

2024 wordpress trends

WordPress Website Platform


  • WordPress is highly optimized for search engines which makes it easier for your site to rank well on platforms like Google
  • WordPress plugins are SEO-friendly and give your the tools you need to improve your website’s visibility
  • WordPress has many FREE themes to use; resulting in no monthly costs!
  • WordPress is a responsive Website Design
  • WordPress is mobile friendly
  • WordPress is straightforward to use, and easy to install
  • WordPress continues to be the go-to CMS platform


  • WordPress can be time consuming if you have no experience in building websites and want a DIY platform
  • WordPress plugins are great, but you do have to be careful with regular updates and not to overload plug-in usage which can result in slower loading time

Shopify Website Platform


  • Shopify is a great all-in-one platform for building an online store
  • Shopify requires no design experience; so it is pretty easy to DIY
  • Shopify does have good customer service
  • Shopify offers payment processing so there is no additional 3rd party setup required
  • Shopify offers a wide variety of themes to choose from
  • Shopify has great user experience and mobile-friendly themes
  • Shopify has many apps and plugins to choose from


  • Shopify Pricing is based on a subscription model, so every month it is costing you
  • Shopify has limitations on customization for check out pages and thank you pages
  • Shopify uses a built in coding language developed by Shopify
  • Shopify does not offer email hosting
  • Shopify’s themes can end up being quite costly if you need something more advanced

WIX Website Platform


  • Wix requires no coding or design experience
  • Wix has good website speed
  • Wix uses a drag and drop interface so it is great for DIY with no experience
  • Wix has built in SEO
  • Wix has over 500 templates that are customizable
  • Wix does have a limited Free Plan


  • Wix free plan comes with ads
  • Wix does not let you track your Google Analytics on their Free or Combo Plan
  • Wix has storage limits so you will need to pay to upgrade as your website grows
  • Wix does not allow you to change your template once you have launched your site
  • Wix Free Plan does not let you have a custom domain name
  • Wix can become a costly monthly free

When is comes to website design, our #1 preferred choice is WordPress. Not only can I get you set-up on a free platform, but when it comes to flexibility on changing themes and doing customization; WordPress wins by a landslide. Start-up businesses want to keep money in their pockets; WordPress does this. There are no paying for themes, no paying for apps or plug-ins, no hidden costs. This is a huge advantage for clients starting out. As your grows, a WordPress website will grow with it. Even if your business has a store, Woo-Commerce plug-in handles your products with ease. That is not to say that Shopify won’t word for you. It all depends on what style of business you have. Wix definitely has its advantages if you are wanting to try and build your own website.

The final take-away from this blog on Which Website is Better? Whatever is going to work for your business! There is really no right or wrong; it comes down to a preference. Skilled web designers word with WordPress and even Figma to build out a website.
Are you a new business looking to get a website built for you? Let’s Chat on a 30-min Complimentary Discovery Call

Until Next Month, you also may want to read my blog on 2024 trends for a faster website.

Donna Withnell Design

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