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What is the BIG Difference?

Logo vs. Branding vs. Identity
What is the Big Difference?

Before we dive too deep into this conversation and what is the big difference; a logo is not your brand, nor is it your identity.

A logo, branding and identity all play different roles for a business/service and work harmoniously together. People are usually confused on how they all work together and do not understand the difference between them. There has been some hype on social media lately about the differences and we are going to clarify them here.

A Logo

A logo identifies your business in its simplest form with the use of a mark or icon

what is the big difference?


A brand is visualized as the emotional image as a whole

what is the big difference?


Identity is the visual aspect that forms the brand as a whole

what is the big difference?

Now let’s go into more detail on each and how they work together for your business/service industry. Below you will have a better insight on what is the big difference between a logo vs. a brand vs. identity.

Your Logo

You need to think of your logo as your business identification.
A logo identifies a company or product/service by the use of a mark, flag, symbol or signature. A logo does not sell the company directly nor does it usually describe a business. Logo’s derive their meaning from the quality of the thing it symbolizes, not the other way around – logos are there to identity, not to explain. It is only after a logo becomes familiar, does it work the way it is suppose to.
So remember this when you are looking for a logo designer – A logo is not meant to describe what the business does, but rather, identify the business in a way that is recognizable and memorable. Your designer will more than not say, yes I can do a logo with a brand and identity because they all work together. Start by reading a previous post on what makes a great logo.

Your Brand

This is the voice of your business. A graphic designer is not meant to “make” your brand – that is up to you! A designer will form the basis of your brand. A brand is much more than colors, fonts, a logo, a slogan and maybe some music. A good example of this is Apple. Apple drives the corporate culture in everything they do. From customer service to their products and advertising, Apple connects with their people. We trust them. Building an emotional connection is what builds trust and in turn a good brand.


As stated above, Identity is your visual aspect of your business. Therefore it is made up of many visual devices such as:
Marketing materials, logo, website, business cards, flyers, signage, apparel, product packaging, messaging and more.
All of these things make up an identity and therefore support the brand as a whole.


about me donna withnell

Hi, my name is Donna; and I am a graphic and web designer.
I hope this has cleared up some confusion on what is the big difference between a logo vs. a brand vs. brand identity. Refer back to this blog when searching for a graphic designer to design your logo brand identity for your business.

But before you get to this part you will want to know your business inside out by doing the following:
First you will want to start with a strategic business plan, research your business inside out and know your target audience. By knowing exactly every detail of your business and who you serve goes great lengths in talking with your designer about branding.

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