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The Benefits of Email Templates

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4 Great Reasons Why You Should Use Email Templates

Emailing your clients is important to keep them in the loop of what is new with your business. But does your business use email templates?

Pre-written messages that are used to communicate with your clients and customers can save your time, improve your consistency and enhance your professionalism. Being consistent with your branding across multiple platforms not only gives your subscribers the best user experience; but also keeps them loyal to you. If you are not branding your email templates you could be losing customers.

What You Need To Know about Email Templates

An email template is used to run an email campaign. The best email templates offer copy and paste options so 1 single template can be used several times with multiple campaigns. This can completely change your email production process. There are free email templates at Mailchimp, HubSpot and Canva that you can also use. Now let’s discuss the benefits!

Creating Personalized Content Through Targeted Messages

You can target your message by using the recipient’s name in the subject. This method offers a higher click-through rate vs emails that do not use target messaging. You can see the metrics of users that opened your emails more effectively.

Saving Time by Using Email Templates

Marketing your business takes hours on design and content. Hiring a digital marketer helps alleviate that time. An email campaign takes time to design and prepare because it requires testing processes. When you use an email template you take your content and place it into that template. Thus eliminating the design time used for a new email template every time you have a new campaign.

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Tracking Campaign Metrics

You will want to keep track of your metrics with your email campaign. With different sample templates you can track things like your open rate, bounce rate, unsubscribe rate. Click-through rate also lets your know how many people are interacting with your email links. Viewing your conversion rates lets you know how your customers are interacting.

Staying Consistent

By staying consistent with your branding helps with offering the best experience to subscribers but also keeps them loyal to you. Building your brand into your email template with your color palette , typography and logo results in consistency and a positive experience that subscribers will want to interact with time and time again.

Ready to Get Started?

The first step in using email templates is knowing your campaign goals. Are you wanting to drive traffic to your website, offering a promotion? The properly designed email template can help you deliver the right communication. Testing sample templates also will give you a better idea of what is working and what may not be.

If you have never tried email templates and want to get started, let’s hop on a complimentary discovery call and discuss what will work best for your business!

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