Business Around Hamilton ~ Digital Marketing

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There are 2 New Businesses in Town ~ How Can we Help Your Business Grow?

Hamilton, ON is a beautiful city with many smaller towns around the City.  I reside in the Stoney Creek area of Hamilton surrounded by beautiful parks and trails not to mention the ever-popular Hutches on the Beach where you can enjoy the miles of beaches or take a walk, bike or jog on the trails.
To be able to live so close to Wine Country and many farmers where you can get fresh fruit and vegetables in season is a true blessing and people travel from all over to the famous Peach Festival held every year on the 3rd weekend of August.

In the short 8 years that I have lived in Stoney Creek I have seen tremendous growth in small businesses and entrepreneurs. Whether you would like to have a brick and mortar or a home business; more and more people are deciding to give the entrepreneur life a try.

As an entrepreneur in the digital world of business for many years; the most important factor I have noticed the most is people simply don’t have time. There is family, social life, business life, then the big “take time for me” which we all seem to fall short on.  Operating a business itself is hard work. There are so many factors that go into running a business and we simply do not have ALL the skills it takes. We are not a book of knowledge in every aspect of the entrepreneur life such as bookkeepers, marketers, designers, salespeople, SEO, web designers, researchers, social media experts, business coaches, and the list goes on and on.

There are 3 important things a business needs to start.  

  • a good brand and logo;
  • a good functionable website; and
  • a digital presence. 

Without these 3 things you are just somewhere floating around the internet not being seen. You can tell as many people as possible about your business which is great, but if no one can find you on the world wide web it could be because your website is not functioning at its best.

Springtime is the perfect time for a refresh, re-strategizing, and rebranding for many businesses. It is a time of “re-birth”. What is working for your business and what is not?

Is your business on brand? Has your target audience changed? Is your website performing at its best? Maybe you say YES without really knowing the answer.  An audit is a perfect way to find out if your social media, and website are performing the way they should be.

Harv Communications is your SEO guru located in Hamilton. Not only will you get professional answers to how your website is performing, but you will get viable solutions. Harv Communications (Steve Harvey) will work with you and your business as well as building trusting relationships.

Book a 15minute free call and Let’s get in touch! See how your business is performing and let’s make a fresh splash into Spring together!

Logo Rebranding ~ Website Design ~ Social Media Management

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