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Benefits of Holiday Season for your Business

We are at that special time of year as 2023 winds down and we embrace 2024 with a clean slate. What does that mean for you as a business owner?
For some it is making sure we have a 2024 strategy plan in place. What do you want to do differently? What tweaks need to be made so you can further increase sales?

Most businesses are already starting to wind down so they can be present and focused on family and friends this holiday season. For others, it is the busiest time of year and there is no time to wind down. Whatever type of business/service you provide to your customers you will still need to have a plan in place for 2024.

While wearing many hats as a business owner and balancing out family and unwind time, it means you will have to outsource. Many entrepreneurs want to do it all – everything from marketing to website maintenance, logo design, bookkeeping, photography and so much more. It is important to outsource on things that we may not excel well at. Let’s face it, we only do well when we are focused and our cup is full on what we do best in our business. For my business that is designing.

Donna Withnell Digital Marketing is turning a new leaf in 2024. While I am still considered a baby business, 2023 has taught me many things. One of them is where my strengths are. Does that mean I do not know how to do many things? Absolutely not…but it means I know where my passion is in my business.

In 2024 you will see a re-brand of my business ~ Donna Withnell Digital Marketing is transforming into Donna Withnell Design. Creativity and design is where my passion is and my focus will be on branding (small businesses and weddings) and web design. As these areas are my focus it does not mean I will not still be offering digital marketing; I will be!

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Here is a sneak peak of my re-brand for my business. The face of who I am. I chose to start 2024 holiday season with a clean slate, a new beginning of the new me!

The start of any New Year, or new season is the perfect time to re-strategize your business. Whether it is new branding colors, new typography, or a whole new look. It keeps your business fresh and on trend.

Web Design is where you will showcase your new look, and your new voice. Through a website refresh/rebuild you also can choose new keywords that focus more on your business changes. Every couple of years people do like to see something fresh, something new. It is exciting and brings more attraction to your users.

Let’s discuss the benefits of the holiday season and what it could mean for your business.

  1. Increasing your brand awareness
  2. Reaching new audiences and engaging customers
  3. Releasing new products/services
  4. Humanize your company through the spirit of the holidays

Show your customers that you are more than just a company, but you are real people that care about making a difference. Donna Withnell Digital Marketing did a fundraiser to CityKidz bringing them 2 car loads of unwrapped toys. We showcased this on our social media every step of the way with posts and reels. It is the perfect time of year to give back to non-profits and hold charitable events.

The holiday season is a busy but important time of year for businesses. It is a great time to increase brand awareness, reach new audiences, launch new products/services and humanize your brand!

How is your business taking advantage of the opportunities that the holiday season has to offer?

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